FMP – Story Write-up

here is where i am going to put a more detailed write-up for the story of the game itself, or at least enough to make the story a solid concept. 

the introduction or prologue to the game will be told in the form of a very basic scroll type book media, in which it tells the story of a witch, at the time she wasnt very powerful, but was in a learning process, slowly working out how to gain more and more magic, during the time that she wasn’t so powerful, several creatures crossed her. One being a dragon, who tricked her into giving over almost all her gold, without giving so much as a puff of fire in return before flying away to her cave, the next a unicorn who refused to give a strand of her mane to the witch for a spell, telling her that she would never be strong enough to meddle with unicorn magic. The third was a manticore, whos den the witch had stumbled into on an adventure of her own, he almost took her life as he chased her away, violent creatures are manticores. The last was a griffin, who simply forgot they agreed to help her move her resources, they had made an agreement and in his busy day he forgot to go. 

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